Photo Credit: The Identité Collective
Organizing your kitchen can have a great effect on your perspective of your space. Cluttered spaces reinforce that nagging feeling that you don’t have the time to cook because you never can find the right ingredients. With a little bit of effort, you can change the way you use and see your space.
A lot of us have been spending extra time at home lately. Naturally, you have noticed a few things around your home that you’d like to improve or change. Now is the perfect opportunity to remove what isn’t working for you, clear out some clutter, and have a fresh start.
Here are 4 reasons why you should just go for it and organize your kitchen. Don’t wait for spring cleaning, you can start to love your kitchen more today!
Reason 1: It’s easier than you think.
Photo Credit: Kitchn via Mrs. Meyers
By now you’ve probably heard of a few master organizers like Marie Kondo and The Home Edit (you can check them both out on Netflix now!). They tackle some big messes but do so in a way that feels thoughtful and considerate of how you actually use your space. Specifically, after watching Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix, I had a few takeaways.
First, organizing doesn’t have to be difficult or something that you dread. It can be fun and refreshing. It can help you use your space in a way you hadn’t thought possible.
Creating a system, or a designated place for everything, is another way to make organizing easier in the long run.
To get started, remove everything out of your cupboards, focusing on one at a time. If you started with your food storage, get rid of anything expired and donate anything that isn’t expired (and unopened) that you know you aren’t going to eat. Sort what you are left with into like items – all cans together, all pasta together, etc. and place these items back into your cupboard.
If you want to take it one step further, store dry goods (like pasta, oats, flour, etc.) in clear canisters. You will be more likely to use what is in your cupboards if you can easily see what you have.
By creating systems for your food products and cleaning supplies, you are more likely to put them back where they belong, helping you clean up quicker in the long run. It will also help with grocery unloading. If you have a designated spot for all of your items, you could even try asking your kids for help!
Try bins or turntables to store similar items. If you use a variety of oils and vinegars, try placing them all on one turntable or in one basket/bin so you can access them easily. This also helps save valuable counter space.
By systematically organizing one cabinet at a time you will be less likely to get overwhelmed and can start to see results much sooner.
Reason 2: feel More inspired to cook.
Photo Credit: Studio Mcgee
You’re more likely to conjure up more creative meals if your ingredients are more easily accessible. It can be difficult to find motivation to create something after a long day if you first have to dig through your cabinets for the pots, pans, utensils, or ingredients.
There are some great options for cabinet organizers at places like Bed Bath and Beyond, Wayfair, Canadian Tire, Kitchen Stuff Plus, etc. You could even give your local Salvation Army Thrift Store or Habitat for Humanity Restore a try! Gently used baskets are perfect to store your packaged goods.
Could your most hated cupboard be easier to manage with a simple organizer? Is the cabinet under your kitchen sink a disaster? Try a small shelf or a small slide out drawer system for your cleaning supplies to make the most of your space.
Clear canisters are great because they show you right away what you have on hand. Organizing your cabinets will help you to remove questions like “do we have all the ingredients we need?” from your mind. This way you can think of meals to cook with a quick glance, using what you know you have on hand.
It will also help you with your next trip to the grocery store if you know exactly what you need.
Photo Credit: Ashley Jones Hatcher
After spending a long time finding a recipe, the last thing you want is to go to the cupboard and realize that can of coconut milk/pasta sauce/chicken broth you thought you had is no longer. The harder it is to find something, the less likely you will use it.
With better organization, you’ll find yourself experiencing less disappointment, and easier, faster cooking. You can also be more creative in the kitchen when you know what you are working with.
Another reason clear canisters help is by letting you know how much of something you have left. This way you are more likely to use what you have before forgetting about it and letting it expire. Not only will this save you money on duplicates but it will also help you make the most of what you have.
Canisters also help to save you space and can encourage you to buy more food in bulk, which is great for limiting your waste. Bonus, if you label your canisters for additional ease.
Reason 3: More space!
Photo Credit: Emily Henderson
When you organize your cupboards, you will be surprised at the space that you didn’t realize you had. Organizing will leave you with more space for meal prep essentials like broth, rice, lentils, etc. or for storing items that you would normally keep on your countertop.
Daily coffee or tea drinker? Those turntables that I mentioned earlier would also be great for coffee pods, tea bags, sugar, and honey. With more space in your cupboards you can store your daily use items conveniently above your coffee maker or kettle. This way you’ll have more space on your countertop to create your next meal.
Removing clutter from your countertops also makes clean up more efficient. Starting a system for your storage makes it easier for all members of your family to know exactly where things go, leaving less mess on your counter. I don’t know about you, but for me a cluttered space feels like a cluttered mind. Another bonus, when you have surprise guests you won’t have to worry about doing a big cleanup to feel comfortable hosting.
Photo Credit: Sarah Sherman Samuel
We are all guilty of that extra-large family sized cereal box with just enough for one bowl of cereal left inside. Using containers to store your food items also helps to save space. Consider the amount of vertical space you have as well.
It may seem like you don’t have any space, but if you put a helper shelf you can easily store more in your smaller, taller spaces!
To make it easier to find the containers you need, it may be time to assess the dreaded Tupperware shelf or drawer.
On a recent poll on our Laird Kitchen and Bath Instagram, container storage was the number one problem area. To ease your daily struggle try removing all – yes all – of your containers. Next, set the containers that you always avoid using aside and, if they are still in decent condition, consider donating them. Dispose of anything that is broken and sort what remains by size. I find it helpful to separate the lids from the container bases. You could place your lids in a basket, use drawer dividers, or try a tension rod to keep your lids separate.
There is nothing more annoying (ok, maybe there are a few things) than rushing to get ready in the morning or putting away your dinner leftovers and not being able to find the right lid to your container. Solving these problem areas will give you space to live with a bit more ease.
Reason 4: It feels better and looks better.
Think about how much happier you will feel in your space if you know where everything is and there is less clutter. Plus, imagine baking or cooking with a friend or family member and asking them to pass you something from your pantry. With an organized space, you won’t have to feel embarrassed by your expired can of pumpkin pie filling – you know it’s in there.
Organizing is an easy and budget friendly way to feel better in your home right away. You can organize your items into neat, labelled bins or you can just give them a proper space in your cabinet. It does not have to be too complicated. Try starting with one cabinet, or one drawer, see how it makes you feel and go from there!
Do you have any techniques that help you stay organized?
Let’s help each other out. Share your ideas in the comments below!